Annette Hennessy Translations

International Translation and Proof-reading Service


 Services Covered

 Fee rates

 Contact Information

Services Covered


We offer a fast and efficient service for translating documents from German, French and Russian into English. We have extensive experience of translating all types of documents, including:





 IT and software localisation

 We are fully-qualified members of the Chartered Institute of Linguists and the Institute of Translators & Interpreters.


In addition to our translation services we also provide a service to proof-read translated documents.

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Fee rates

Our fee rates vary according to the language, type of translation and volume, but our guidelines are as follows:

 From £70 per thousand words depending on language and complexity

 Hourly rates: From £30 per hour depending on language and complexity

 Minimum charges apply depending on language and complexity

 Euro and dollar rates available on application

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Contact Information

If you would like to contact us regarding any of the above services, our details are as follows:

E-mail: or

Tel: +44 (0) 1458 850918

Postal Address: Annette Hennessy Translations, Conifers, Neville Park, Baltonsborough, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 8PY, UK

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Last Revised: 2 Mar 2018